Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the general title for the scientific, natural and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancy. It is not contraception.
NFP methods are based on the observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy. Since the methods of NFP respect the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the conjugal act, they support God’s design for married love!
In NFP both husband and wife are taught to understand and live God’s design for married love – this will give them countless blessings! NFP methods promote a holistic approach to family planning which both respects procreation and has the potential to deepen the intimacy of husband and wife. NFP methods support reproductive health. They are good for the body. For the woman, NFP charting can even assist in the diagnosis of underlying medical problems. And, if a couple find they are having trouble conceiving, NFP information can help them pinpoint the most fertile time of the wife’s cycle. The natural methods have none of the harmful side effects caused by contraception, especially chemical contraceptives (e.g. pill, injection, etc.). NFP methods can be marriage strengthening because it relies on couple communication and behavior change. When living the NFP lifestyle, husband and wife learn that they have a shared responsibility for safeguarding God’s gift of human sexuality, marriage and family. They also grow in their understanding of God’s will for their family size. NFP has the potential to make a good marriage great!
The Diocese of Orange strongly recommends that engaged couples take at least a basic introductory course on NFP in preparation for marriage.
NFP Basics is a 3-part program with an online video, survey, and coaching session all included in the per couple cost of the program: $30.
- Couples watch a video together that covers theology of sex and marriage, Natural Family Planning, fertility science, and touches on the Theology of the Body as it applies to wedding vows.
- Engaged couples each complete a survey to ensure video comprehension and gather information relevant to fertility awareness method choices
- Couples attend a live Zoom coaching session with an NFP Basics coach to debrief the video, ask questions, and get support in choosing a method and/or finding an instructor.
PFN Básicas es un programa de 3 partes con un video en línea, una encuesta y una sesión de capacitación, todo incluido en el costo por pareja del programa: $30.
- Las parejas miran un video juntos que cubre la teología del sexo y el matrimonio, la planificación familiar natural, la ciencia de la fertilidad y aborda la teología del cuerpo aplicada a los votos matrimoniales.
- Cada una de las parejas comprometidas completa una encuesta para garantizar la comprensión del video y recopilar información relevante para la elección del método de conocimiento de la fertilidad.
- Las parejas asisten a una sesión de entrenamiento en vivo por Zoom con un entrenador de PFN Básicas para resumir el video, hacer preguntas y obtener apoyo para elegir un método y/o encontrar un instructor.
Natural Family Planning (NFP), also known as Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABM), come in several varieties. You must take a full course to learn a specific method to practice NFP. In the Diocese of Orange, instructors for the following methods are available (scroll below to see local instructor information):
- Mucus-only methods utilize observations of biomarkers during the different phases of the menstrual cycle, specifically changes in the color and consistency of cervical mucus.
- Billings Ovulation Method
- Creighton Model
- FEMM Health
- The sympto-thermal method (STM) is based on the observations of cervical fluid, basal body temperature (waking temperature) and biological signs (i.e. changes in the cervix).
- Couple to Couple League
- Sympto-Pro Fertility Education
Wondering what NFP method might be best for you? Check out this “Method Matcher” tool from Fertility Science Institute to help you narrow down your options!
Check out the “Charting Toward Intimacy” podcast, sponsored by the Diocese of Oakland to expand the NFP conversation. Launched in July 2020, host Ellen Holloway brings real stories as well as deep theological discussions about Natural Family Planning. New episodes posted every other Monday.
For more information on the Church and Natural Family Planning, please see the NFP on the USCCB website.
The California Association of Natural Family Planning is your one stop shop for NFP in California. CANFP unites under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP in the state of California.
For a better understanding on why Natural Family Planning differs from contraception, please view this article by Pope John Paul II.
Catholic Women and Couples NFP (CWCNFP) promotes and offers free Natural Family Planning (NFP) instruction to couples in English and in Spanish. Remote learning options are also available.
BOMA-USA provides education and training for The Billings Ovulation Method® which is a natural method of fertility management that teaches you to recognize the body’s natural signs of fertility. BOMA-USA provides the simplest and most personalized care in fertility education with a legacy of evidenced-based effectiveness.
The Billings Ovulation Method can be learned online, but we also have local certified instructors:
Gervaci & Cecilia Medina, Certified BOMA-USA Instructors
714-396-9117 o 714-926-8295
[email protected]
Ofrecemos clases en Ingles y Español del Metodo Billings únicamente en línea. Las parejas podran recibirán una orientación sobre los diferentes métodos de Planificación familiar Natural con base científica al final del cual podrán decidir por el método natural de su conveniencia.
El curso del Método de Ovulación Billings consiste en seis sesiones con un total de 6.5 horas, en un lapso de 3 meses. Al final de la 6ta sesión, la pareja estará lista para continuar usando el método de manera independiente, sin embargo, se darán sesiones adicionales a su solicitud.
El Metodo Billings es el metodo cervical que le permite reconocer las fases fertiles e infertiles de la mujer en ciclos normales e irregulares; Se aplica para posponer y concebir embarazos de manera natural en casos de baja fertilidad. Es usado durante la lactancia y pre-menopausia.
Para mayor informacion envienos un email a:
Gervaci y Cecilia Medina, Instructores Certificados BOMA-USA
714-396-9117 o 714-926-8295
[email protected]
CCL provides Natural Family Planning (NFP) instruction that is both thorough and engaging. You’ll learn the Sympto-Thermal Method, a modern, scientific and highly effective way to postpone or achieve pregnancy. With the guidance of a certified teaching couple, you and your fiancé or spouse will benefit from both their knowledge of the method and experience of using NFP in their own marriage. No matter which form of our class you select, you will receive our first-rate program and ongoing support while learning and beyond. CCL offers Live Onsite, Live Online, and Self Paced Online classes. The live course consists of three classes spaced approximately a month apart. For more information please click here to visit the CCLI website or contact:
Beth and Greg Gath at [email protected] or 562-377-5877 (Long Beach)
Sean and Pam Tupy at [email protected] or 949-375-1803
St. Edward the Confessor Parish, Dana Point
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS) and the new woman’s health science of NaProTechnology (Natural Procreative Technology) are available to women who want to understand their menstrual and fertility cycles. Married couples can use the system to plan their families naturally, as the CrMS can be used both to achieve and avoid pregnancy. All women can use the system to monitor their reproductive health. CrMS can be used in many reproductive categories and is “tailor-made” for any situation: regular cycles, long cycles, anovulatory states, pregnancy, breastfeeding, post-pill, pre-menopause, etc. Learning the Creighton Model FertilityCare System begins with an Introductory Session that explains the scientific foundations, methodology, application to various reproductive categories, and how to NaProTrack your cycles with the CrMS. This continues with a series of essential, individualized follow-up teaching appointments (personal instruction on use of the system and complete chart review). At each private follow-up, the FertilityCare Practitioner tailors the system to each client’s specific needs.
Local instructors:
Contact: Marianne Dyogi, CFCP
Phone: 714-803-4775
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Alyson del Hierro, FCP
Phone: 714-872-3740
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Madison Griego, FCP
Location: Virtual only
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 714-745-4437
FEMM is a comprehensive women’s health and wellness program for optimal reproductive health. It uses a simple approach to cervical fluid, similar to the Billings method, with the addition of LH monitoring. Although the method training program is not yet officially approved by the USCCB, the materials can be delivered consistently with Catholic teaching. The FEMM teachers listed below provide this method training in alignment with Church teaching.
Contact: Linda Ji
e-mail: [email protected]
TeenFEMM is geared toward girls around 11-16 years of age to learn the science of her body, so potential health issues can be detected and treated as they arise. A woman’s cycle affects her whole health. TeenFEMM classes provide the necessary information to understand what is normal and healthy at every stage of a woman’s life.
The following topics are covered in a series of 6 short sessions:
- the link between hormones and health
- how to track your hormonal health
- brain development and changing emotions
- lifestyle choices
- sexual health and STIs
Parental consent is required.
Have questions or interested in bringing TeenFEMM through a Catholic lens to a group at your parish? Contact Linda Ji at [email protected].
Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABM) – Understanding women’s fertility with a “natural lens” is very important for a woman’s health. NFP methods are tools that help women understand their reproductive health as well as tools for family planning. At the heart of FABM is educating women to have greater awareness of their hormonal cycles and monitoring the effects of lifestyle factors, disease or stress which are known to negatively influence health and fertility health.
Fertility Awareness presentations are offered at various parishes upon request for engaged couples, Women health fairs, parents, teens, retreats, etc. These are offered in English and Spanish at various parishes and quarterly at:
Mission Basilica Pastoral Center
31520 Camino Capistrano
San Juan Capistrano, CA
St. Edward’s The Confessor – in Dana Point, CA
Our Lady of Fatima Church – in San Clemente, CA
Fertility Awareness and NFP classes are ongoing. Contact Dr. Schoenfeld for more information.
Virginia Schoenfeld, PhD is an active Member of the Catholic Medical Association (CMA), the California Association of Natural Family Planning (CANFP) and the Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Science (FACTS). Contact at 949-584-1942 or by email at [email protected]
Dr. Schoenfeld is offering Fertility Education and Medical Management (FEMM) Method training. Dr Schoenfeld is in the process of becoming FEMM Method certified and is accepting no cost referrals during her FEMM Teaching Practicum.
SymptoPro Fertility Education is a highly effective, scientifically based method of natural family planning that can be used throughout a woman’s entire reproductive life to either postpone or achieve pregnancy. Regular cycles are NOT required. SymptoPro is a Sympto-Thermal Method of education based on changes in cervical fluid, waking body temperature, and changes in the cervix. After charting these observations, the couple interprets the chart and makes decisions on their family planning intention.
- Northwest Family Services –
For additional local support with SymptoPro, contact:
Kerry Ann Caswell at [email protected]
Debi Hoppe at [email protected]