Catechist Certification

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Catechesis is a life-long process of initial conversion, formation, education, and ongoing conversion. The catechist participating in this process seeks to lead all God’s people to an ever-deepening relationship with God who reveals himself in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lumen Christi Institute offers systematic formation and certification to equip the catechist and Catholic school teachers for this essential ministry. 

Explore the options for certification below.


Basic Certification

In order to witness to and share with others the Catholic faith, the Catechist is formed in a systematic way through a path called basic certification. Through online and in-person classes, basic certification is a process by which a person gains the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively communicate the truths of the Catholic faith. Certification is valid for a three-year period and re-certification should be completed before the expiration of Basic Certification.

Select your category below to get started:

Basic Recertification

Certification is valid for a three-year period and re-certification should be completed before the expiration of Basic Certification. The re-certification process may begin on the first date that a valid certificate was granted. Basic Certificates will be issued at the end of April, August and December. All three steps and 6 additional hours through approved resources must be submitted on the Student Portal for review and approval. 


Master Catechist Certification

Lumen Christi Institute offers an advanced certification in theological foundations, the Master Catechist Certification. This certification provides students with a firm foundation in the Roman Catholic Tradition. This program is designed for professional and ministerial educators. The Master Catechist Certificate is valid for 4 years.


Looking for more?

Within the Lumen Christi Institute, there are four paths that aim to equip and encourage the faithful to take their place within the mission of Christ.

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Catholic Biblical Institute

 When we study the Bible, we meet Christ in a new, transformative way. The Catholic Biblical Institute provides opportunities for anyone to study scripture and apply the story of Christ in everyday life.

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Lay Ministry Certification

Ministry certification equips the baptized to fulfill the call of God on their life in a role of service to the community. From Liturgy ministries to mental health, and many areas in between, there are a variety of options for those wanting to serve the Church more intentionally.

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Street Evangelization Training

A series of skill-building workshops to help Catholics navigate faith-sharing conversations. With the encouragement found in the simple steps taught through these workshops, anyone can answer the baptismal call to carry on the mission of Jesus.