Reflections & Videos

Find reflections, homilies, testimonials and other resources that help enkindle your love for the Eucharist:



“When the Pew Report  of August 2019 announced that only one third of Catholics believed in the Eucharist, I must admit, as a priest I felt defeated. There are so many teachings that have come under scrutiny and doubt, but I never expected that there would be so much confusion regarding the Eucharist.”

Read more the monthly column about the Eucharist in OC Catholic News:

NEC2024 Highlights

From Our Diocese

Eucharistic Revival Kickoff

Listen to Bishop Timothy’s homily on the opening weekend of the Revival as he speaks about the greatest Miracle – “that God would come down from Heaven, changing bread and wine into his Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity” (Homily begins at 30:00)

Juneteenth & The Feast of Corpus Christi

Listen as Fr. Claude Williams of St. Michael’s Abbey speaks about celebrating the gift of God being substantially present in the Blessed Sacrament, hidden in bread and wine, and also the gift of God, being mystically present in our neighbor, hidden in those around us. (Homily begins at 29:00)

Enkindle Your Love for Jesus | Deacon Modesto

Deacon reminds us that the Eucharist is more than a gift for us but a way to share God’s love with others. He shares about the upcoming National Eucharistic Revival, which also calls and helps us to “enkindle a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.”

Bring Your Doubts to the Lord | Msgr. Doktorczyk

Monsignor Doktorczyk shares about the origin of the Feast of Corpus Christi. He speaks about the Eucharistic Miracle that took place hundreds of years ago and reminds us to turn to the Lord when we find ourselves in places of doubt and questioning.

Bishop Freyer on the Eucharist

Bishop Nguyen: A Beautiful Fruit of the Eucharist