The Office for Family Life fosters a family perspective in Church and society that promotes ministry to, with, by, and for families in all stages. The Office supports marriage formation and pastoral care to advance the missionary discipleship of the Domestic Church in the Diocese of Orange.
September is Suicide Prevention Month
There is hope
The Diocese of Orange lights the cross on the Tower of Hope in honor of Suicide Prevention Month and Worldwide Suicide Prevention Day on September 10. Purple and teal are the national colors of this awareness campaign. Check out this article/video from for more information from our first year participating:
For more information about how about how to start a mental health ministry or find a resource for you or a loved one, visit
Learn about prevention & support resources & trainings available through our local mental health center, Didi Hirsch.
Click Here to register for a Zoom link for Wednesday, September 11 from 6-7pm.
Aprenda sobre los recursos de prevención, apoyo y capacitaciones disponibles a través de nuestro centro de salud mental local, Didi Hirsch.
Haga clic aquí para registrarse para recibir un enlace de Zoom para el martes 10 de septiembre en español.
Workshop Series for Divorced or Separated Catholics
1st workshop on Friday, Sept. 13, 2024 from 7 pm to 9 pm
Diocese of Orange Pastoral Center
Catholics who are divorced or separated are invited to a workshop on single parenting “Raising Strong” by Ingrid Murrle, LMFT. This workshop is a follow-up to one of the breakout sessions at the Diocese of Orange “Remain in my love” conference last spring and is hosted by the Office for Family Life. Attendees can join in person at the Pastoral Center or via Zoom. For more information, please see registration form.
For over 30 years in mental health treatment, Ingrid has provided direct clinical services to hundreds of children and families who have experienced child abuse and neglect, and family and community violence. She is trained in various evidence-based practices and provides expertise working in the field of trauma. Ingrid is also a member of Beginning Experience-Orange County facilitating and coordinating weekend experiences for those who are separated, divorced, and widowed.
California bishops’ initiative on marriage & family 2024-2025
“Radiate Love” is a statewide initiative of the California bishops to invite every Catholic to celebrate the beauty and goodness of marriage and the family. Each month from July 2024 to June 2025, the CCC will provide catechetical and liturgical resources around a different theme to help renew and deepen our Catholic faithful’s understanding and experience of sacramental marriage and the family.
Materials for the Radiate Love Initiative are now available on the website of the California Catholic Conference (CCC) or Each month features a different theme. Check out the full calendar of dates and themes.
Monthly resources include intercessions and blessing for Mass, bulletin insert, social media graphics, homiletic guide, suggested activities for various parish ministries, and bulletin announcements. All these materials are available in English and in Spanish.
Read the Letter from all of our California bishops introducing the Radiate Love initiative in English or in Spanish.
Support Changes Everything
Pregnant? Need Help?
Local help is available: pregnancy clinics and centers, shelters and food distribution, mental health support, and resources for maternal and perinatal health.
Hope and Healing After Abortion
The Church understands and cares
Hope and Healing After Abortion is a sensitive, private, confidential experience of accompaniment. Our volunteers aim to provide a caring, compassionate, and non-judgmental presence for anyone who is suffering from the affects of abortion and who is seeking reconciliation with God and their faith community.
Getting married?
Marriage formation for engaged couples
The sacrament of marriage is not a social convention, an empty ritual or merely the outward sign of a commitment. The sacrament is a gift given for the sanctification and salvation of the spouses, since “their mutual belonging is a real representation, through the sacramental sign, of the same relationship between Christ and the Church. The married couple are therefore a permanent reminder for the Church of what took place on the cross; they are for one another and for their children witnesses of the salvation in which they share through the sacrament.”
Pope Francis in Amoris Laetitia n. 72