피해자 지원 코디네이터

Toll Free Diocesan Reporting Line: 1-800-364-3064

How will the Diocese of Orange handle a sexual misconduct claim against a member of the clergy or church representative?

If a member of the clergy or church representative (employee or volunteer) is accused of sexual misconduct the complaint will be referred to the Victim Assistance Coordinator (VAC) who will respond promptly to the complaint.

Who is the VAC?

The VAC is independently contracted by the Diocese of Orange to provide this service to the victims. The mission of the VAC is to act as an advocate for the victim to provide timely assistance and healing resources to individuals who have reported being sexually abused by a cleric or church representative

How does the VAC assist the victims?

The VAC is pastoral in nature with the goal of assisting the individual in their healing process. The VAC will listen to the victim and address their requests and needs. The VAC will also offer counseling, pastoral support and other services toward healing of the victim and their families.

How does the VAC assist in reporting a complaint?

It is the responsibility of the VAC to take the complaint and assist the victim during the investigation of any allegations of sexual abuse. In turn, the VAC sees to it that all allegations of sexual abuse of a minor are reported to the California State Attorney’s office. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the VAC to report the allegation and the identity of the accused offender to the diocesan Director of Clergy Personnel or Human Resources Director for ultimate review by the independent diocesan Oversight and Review Board (ORB). ORB is an independent professional committee that meets monthly with the responsibility to make recommendation to insure appropriate and timely response to any report.

Will the VAC keep my report confidential?

Yes, the VAC will only report what you want to have reported. But, the law mandates that the VAC report sexual abuse of a minor to the California State Attorney’s office.

How can I get in touch with the VAC?

Call 800-364-3064 toll free reporting line to ask any questions or to report any concerns of sexual misconduct. The VAC will contact you. Please make sure to give your telephone number and several alternatives for the best time to call back.

Can I meet with the VAC?

Yes, you can meet with the VAC. The VAC will call you back and arrange a time and a place that is convenient for you.